• 6 августа 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Большой Кисловский пер., 4, с. 3

Learn from an American YC Startup Sales Expert on how to break into the US Market

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2028 дней назад
6 августа 2019 c 20:00 до 22:00
Большой Кисловский пер., 4, с. 3

The presentation will review the cultural differences between the USA and Russia, and show techniques to gain the American buyer’s trust. It is helpful for entrepreneurs, startup executives, product managers, sales leaders and marketers. Your Host is Jacqueline Samira, a sales professional from Austin with more than a decade of experience driving sales for large Fortune 500 companies and VC-backed startups.

Наши друзья из калифорнийского стартапа Chatfuel организовывают встречу в Москве для тех, кто планирует развивать свой бизнес в США. Мероприятие благотворительное, все средства от продажи билетов пойдут на поддержку программ АНО «БО «Журавлик».

Организатор мероприятия Chatfuel.


And welcome to Chatfuel, the leading platform for building bots on Facebook Messenger. We’re invited Jacqueline Samira, a Sales expert from Austin, to explain how Russian companies can effectively break into the American Market. So we’re super excited about this talk!

This event is ideal for

  • entrepreneurs,
  • startup executives,
  • product managers, 
  • sales leaders 
  • and marketers. 

The presentation will review the cultural differences between the USA and Russia and examine how to apply simple techniques to gain the American buyer’s trust. 

Keep in mind, that the talk itself is going to be in English language. 


The Host: Jacqueline Samira


Jacqueline Samira, 33, has more than a decade of experience driving sales and building teams, from large fortune 500 companies to VC-backed startups. She graduated from UC Irvine, and received a Bachelors of Science in Economics. 

She was formerly the VP of Sales at OwnLocal--a company that automates the building and buying of advertising at newspapers worldwide such as the LA Times, Axel Springer, the Globe and Mail, and 3,998 additional publishers.  

She later was head of sales at Shipwell -a connected freight platform backed by Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Reid Hoffman — where she consistently beat revenue goals which allowed the company to raise over $12 million with a sales team of less than 6 people. 

Today, she is running her own company, Austin Software, where she helps VC-backed startups build distributed engineering, sales, marketing, and customer-service teams and gives talks about the importance of a humanized approach to selling.

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jacquelinesamira

Insta: @jac_samira


The space: Chatfuel office


Chatfuel was born in the summer of 2015 with the goal of making bot-building easy for anyone. Today, we are the leading platform for building bots on Facebook Messenger. Our customers are using bots to increase sales, improve conversions, qualify leads, and automate support on Facebook. Some of our largest customers include Adidas, TechCrunch, T–Mobile, LEGO, Golden State Warriors, and many others.

We have a small office in the centre of Moscow. In order to give maximum value to all attendees and ensure access to those who really want to participate, tickets for the event are 990₽. Limited seats available! 

100% of the ticket cost will be donated to Журавлик, the charity that fights kid bullying.


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